What Waterboy is Best for Me?

Working out what Waterboy solar submersible pump is best for you is essential. By answering the five simple question below you will have all you need to work out what Waterboy solar submersible pump is the best one for you!

Our Waterboy 3HR200 is our smallest solar submersible pump. While being small it is still able to pump a good amount of water depending on your specifications.

Working out what Waterboy solar submersible pump is best for you is essential. By answering the five simple question below you will have all you need to work out what Waterboy solar submersible pump is the best one for you!

First thing you will need to do is work out your Total Dynamic Head (TDH).

What is your TDH and how to work it out

Working out your Total Dynamic Head will be the first step on your Waterboy way. By answering all these questions you will be able to work out what Waterboy pump best suits your needs.


1. What is your water source?

Do you need to pump water from a bore or a well? You will need a bore accessory kit for this application.

Do you need to pump water from a dam, soak or river? You will need a dam accessory kit.

2. How deep is your water source?

How deep is your bore?

For a Dam we work on the lowest water level to the highest point in delivery line or top of tank, which ever is highest.

3. Is there any vertical lift?

How many meters will your water have to be pumped vertically?

4. How far are you pumping the water and what size pipe are you pumping through?

Work out how far your water needs to be pumped and have the size of the pipe you are going to be pumping it through. As a general rule the shorter the pumping distance and the greater the pipe size the less friction loss you will have.

5. How much water do you need?

Most importantly, how much water will you need to pump? 

You need to be mindful of what your bore produces.

Your TDH is based on the depth + vertical lift + friction loss. Add all these things together and you will have your TDH.

Once you have this information you have what you need to determine what the best pump application is for you.

Waterboy makes water supply simple and reliable from the quotation and pump selection process right through to the installation and gets your water pumping fast and free.

You can also use our TDH calculator to help you work it out. 

Waterboy range of solar pumps

Fair Dinkum Solar Pumps


33 Emerald Road, Maddington WA 6109

Office Number

1300 554 307

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