Solar Pumping System

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April 28, 2024/

The SSC3-400 Solar Pump uses a centrifugal wet end coupled to a brushless DC motor. The motor is electronically communicated to by a fully adjustable MPPT pump controller housed in…


April 27, 2024/

Our Waterboy 3000 range is one the highest 5" Centrifugal (C) solar submersible pumping systems available. It is a good solution for high water supply solutions where there is mid…


April 27, 2024/

Our Waterboy 3000 range is one the highest 4" Centrifugal (C) solar submersible pumping systems available. It is a good solution for high water supply solutions where there is mid…


April 27, 2024/

Our Waterboy 3000 range is one the highest 4" Centrifugal (C) solar submersible pumping systems available. It is a good solution for high water supply solutions where there is mid…


April 27, 2024/

Our Waterboy 3000 range is one the highest 4" Centrifugal (C) solar submersible pumping systems available. It is a good solution for high water supply solutions where there is mid…

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Fair Dinkum Solar Pumps


33 Emerald Road, Maddington WA 6109

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1300 554 307

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