Waterboy Solar Pumps are easy to install and require minimum maintenance. Once you have installed your Waterboy Solar Pump system there are little to no recurring costs and they will…
Waterboy Solar Pumps are easy to install and require minimum maintenance. Once you have installed your Waterboy Solar Pump system there are little to no recurring costs and they will…
At Waterboy, we hope to make as much difference to all our farmers in big and small ways. We have been doing some research and have found so grants and…
When working out what Waterboy pump is best for you, one of the most important questions you need to answer is how much water do you need a day.
Working out what Waterboy solar submersible pump is best for you is essential. By answering the five simple question below you will have all you need to work out what…
Back in May, on a Friday night we were lucky enough to win the Telstra "Big Plugs for Small Business" award and we got to see our much loved Fremantle…
Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry.
33 Emerald Road, Maddington WA 6109
1300 554 307
For sales, support, or more information, you can contact our friendly team using the options below.
Waterboy Pumps was founded in Western Australia in 1990 after the company recognised the need to develop more efficient ways of pumping water in rural and remote areas.
© 2024 Waterboy Pumps Pty Ltd
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